The Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) Executive Committee has issued a written statement saying Turkey's current political party oligarchy cannot solve the country’s problems or democratise. The committee emphasised the need for establishing a bloc formed of radical democracy forces that would democratise Turkey, prevent further coups and put an end to oppression and injustice.

In its statement, the PKK committee commemorated the people who lost their lives during the Rojava revolution and in Suruç, and emphasised that there was a political, social, economical and political system formed of oligarchic structures in Turkey, which has enabled several coups to take place in recent history.



库尔德工人党执行委员会发表了一份书面声明,该声明称当前的政党寡头无法解决这个国家的内在矛盾和实现民主化目标。委员会重申并强调有必要建立一个由激进民主力量组成的民主阵营促进土耳其实现民主化,以杜绝未来的政变以及终结压迫与不公。委员会悼念了在罗贾瓦革命和苏鲁克(Suruc 译者注:在土叙边境的土耳其城市)丧生的民众,并强调,在土耳其国内由寡头组成的政治经济社会体系体系促使了近年来若干场政变的发生。


Turkey's inability to democratise lays ground for coups

The PKK described the inability to solve the Kurdish question as the main reason for why democratisation is not successful in Turkey, and emphasised that the country’s inability to democratise laid the ground for coups. "Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan has offered realistic proposals for the solution of the Kurdish issue in order to democratise the country. Öcalan’s warning that the 'coup mechanism' would always be activated if the Kurdish question were to remain unsolved has proven to be right," the statement said.

The PKK described the rejection of the Dolmabahçe Agreement and 7 June election results as political coups against Turkey’s democratisation, and said that the AKP government’s alliance with the ultra-nationalist MHP and Ergenekon (deep state) forces reactivated the 'coup mechanism' in the country. The PKK committee said the Kurdish people's and democratic forces' struggle for democracy had enabled the strengthening of an anti-coup stance in Turkish society, which has contributed to the prevention of the coup attempt on 15 July.




库尔德工人党把无力解决库尔德问题作为民主化在土境内不成功的主要因素,以及称土耳其无力向民主化过渡才导致了一场又一场政变的发动,声明表示:“库尔德领导人阿卜杜拉·奥贾兰为实现国家民主化,对于解决库尔德议题提出过很多现实性的问题。奥贾兰曾警告说若库尔德问题得不到妥善解决,政变机制(coup mechanism)就会一直处于活跃状态,现在这个警告被证实是正确的。



State-of-emergency not a stance against coup

The PKK Executive Committee pointed out that democratisation was necessary in order to prevent future coups from occurring, but warned that Erdoğan’s declaration of a state of emergency is not a stance against the coup but an attempt to further the destruction of cities in Kurdistan, exacerbate the oppression of Kurdish people, and consolidate the monist, hegemonic and authoritarian rule of the AKP government in Turkey.

"Turkey has never been a true democracy, and the 'special war system' in the country has tried to genocide the Kurdish people. Instead of taking steps for democratisation, the AKP government is aiming to consolidate its hegemonic rule and intensify its genocide of the Kurdish people," the statement stated.

"There is an immediate need to establish a bloc of radical democracy forces that will democratise the country, prevent further coups and put an end to oppression and injustice. The 7 June elections had raised hopes for democratisation, but the anti-Kurdish and fascist alliance in Turkey restarted the war on 24 July 2015 and implemented a policy of annihilation, which laid the grounds for the coup attempt on 15 July 2016. The current state of emergency means the deepening of the crisis in Turkey, as opposed to democratisation and stability. Therefore we invite civil society organisations, intellectuals, writers and artists who represent social segments demanding democracy to form a democracy bloc immediately in order to prevent further coups from taking place."









All democracy forces should struggle for true democracy

The PKK Executive Committee also highlighted the heavy attacks endured by the Kurds over the past year, and called upon Kurdish people to increase their solidarity and mobilisation in collaboration with Turkey’s democracy forces in order to prevent further attacks. "Turkey’s democratisation is the only way to solve the country’s problems and prevent further coups, the PKK will fulfill its responsibilities in order to ensure the free and democratic life of the peoples in Turkey," the statement said.

The statement ended with the Kurdish group saying that it would continue fighting against coup attempts as well as state of emergencies and oppressive policies that lay the ground for further coup attempts. The PKK said their leader Abdullah Öcalan’s goal was to solve Turkey’s problems through democratisation and to eliminate the coup mechanism in the country. "Öcalan’s struggle makes him politically valuable for all the peoples of Turkey, so the Kurdish people and democracy forces need to struggle for Öcalan’s health and security."

Source: ANF




